Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Our Newest member of the family! This is Council Cup's Agatha, we call her "Aggie". she is 3 months and 1 week and just the sweetest thing ever! She really does love children and she is adored by us all. As you can see she is quite large and a mess..and it's all the more to love!


jarries said...

Oh Patrice what a beautiful dog! Newfie isn't she? From what I understand they are wonderfully gentle souls!

Mamapatrice said...

Hi Tania!

Yes she is a Newfie and yes the most amazing gente souls. she was picked from the litter from her breeder as specially good for someone with small children..and she definately is! she just lights up around children. I highy recoomend them for families...if you can tolerate the mess. she reminds me of my youngest daughter..can never stay clean for a day ;)


angie.a said...

Look at those eyes!! Sweet puppy...I'm such a sucker for animals, and they love me about as much. My mom calls me Dr. Doolittle. You shoulda seen this baby camel attach itself to me at the zoo this week...and then cry and cry when I walked away! I seriously would have taken him home.

Speaking of photog classes...I gotta take one. I'm so confused about ISO and WB and F-stops (although I kinda figured WB out this week in Nashville.) I just take pics of what looks good to me, haha. I'm sure I could use some refining!